friday5 for April 21, 2017

1. So close.

12k words. That's all I have left (well, approximately) on the first draft of my current WIP. That's either 2-3 good writing days, or 5-6 bad ones. Either way, I'm very close to finished, which is exciting because I'm feeling ready to do edits. I find it very hard to write and not edit as I go, but I've been pushing myself to do that more and more so I can get the first draft out. Everything I write needs more polishing later, whether I edit as I go or not, so I might as well just save the changes until the whole thing has taken shape. I have a very tight outline I'm following for these last few chapters, which will hopefully make the process a more streamlined. By this time next week, maybe I'll be finished? If I am, we can celebrate with an excerpt and maybe even a quick plot synopsis. Let's reconvene then, okay? :)

2. There are only nine episodes of PLL to go.

Confession: I haven't watched this week's PLL. I know. I know. But if you follow me on social media, you probably know I've had a rough week re-sleep-training a toddler and I've been devoting all my leftover energy (there isn't much) to that WIP I was just talking about. So no PLL as of yet, but I'm hoping to watch it this weekend and I'm planning to do a Pretty Little Reaction afterward. In the meantime, let's do some predictions for the final episodes of PLL, shall we? SPOILERS for anyone who isn't up to date on PLL (feel free to skip down to the next item):

  1. Haleb Always and Forever (did you really think this wouldn't make my list?) and while we're at it, I'm pretty sure all of the OG couples will be endgame (I'm looking at you, Spoby, Ezria, and Emison), but if any of them aren't endgame, I'm thinking it'll be Ezria, mostly because they already had their proposal moment in the sun. 
  2. I want Mona to be AD, but I don't think she will be. We've been down the Mona road before, so it's unlikely she'll be the ultimate villain. If it ends up being one of the girls (which would be very cool and I'd give all the props), I want it to be Aria. Because she's little and her wardrobe has always screamed "big bad". Otherwise, I'd love for it to be Mike or Jason, and definitely not someone we've never seen before. 
  3. There will be deaths. But nobody too important. It's possible one of the girls or their SOs could kick it in the finale, but it's unlikely. Family and friends on the other hand... I could see Lucas dying. I could see Jason dying. I could see Paige dying--in fact, I'm picturing Paige dying right now (j/k...sorta).
  4. I go back and forth on this one, but I predict Ali won't have her baby. Something is going to happen and she's gonna lose it (and yes, I think she's somehow pregnant with Emily's eggs even though that doesn't make much sense). Anyway, it'll be a bonding moment for Ali and Em, and maybe one day, they'll adopt a child instead. Or a puppy. Or something. I kinda hope the finale has a little flash forward at the end. 
  5. Okay, final prediction for now: not everything will be wrapped up with a little bow. PLL  is known for its cliffhangers, and obviously, with a series finale, you need to tie up a lot of things, but I'd love it if they'd give us one final cut scene at the end, something to indicate that maybe isn't all there is to the story. I know a lot of fans would find that frustrating, but I'd like it :)

I think I'll return to this list after everything is said and done and we can see how close--or far off--I am.

3. The X-Files has officially been renewed!

TEN(!) more episodes of The X-Files are on their way! This news was likely, but not confirmed until this week. And here's the thing: I know the six-episode season we got last year was a mixed bag, and I know it's easy to criticize because hello, how do you screw up six episodes? But I think because there'd been such a long gap between the original series ending and the return series, everyone was a little rusty and they'd been hanging onto ideas that had been brewing for a very long time, which isn't always a good thing (this time I'm looking at you, Gilmore Girls). This new season will give them a chance to strike back with fresh material, having already worked out the kinks. I'm choosing to be optimistic, especially since some of the episodes we got last year were fantastic (thanks, Darin Morgan!). So let's celebrate with this old-school pic of Mulder and Scully!

4. The Beguiled--yay or nay?

I love Sophia Coppola. Usually. I love her style, and for the most part, I've enjoyed all the stories she's chosen to tell in her films. So I was pretty excited when they released the trailer for The Beguiled, except...I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that I'm (second confession of the post) just not that into Nicole Kidman, but something about this trailer didn't quite capture me the way I'd hoped it would. What do you think? 

5. Noteworthy New YA: MISSING by Kelley Armstrong

The only thing Winter Crane likes about Reeve's End is that soon she'll leave it. Like her best friend did. Like her sister did. Like most of the teens born in town have done. There's nothing for them there but abandoned mines and empty futures. They're better off taking a chance elsewhere. 
What Winter will miss is the woods. Her only refuge. At least it was. Until the day she found Lennon left for dead, bleeding in a tree. 
But now Lennon is gone too. And he has Winter questioning what she once thought was true. What if nobody left at all? What if they're all missing? 

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for March 31, 2017

I think I know what happened.

The Friday5 has gone through a few different incarnations over the years, and most recently, in an effort to focus my thought processes surrounding it, I introduced categories. But instead of making the Friday5 more streamlined, I think I actually just made it into another daunting weekly task, which is why I haven't done one in so long (well, that and, let's be realistic, my ongoing excuse that life is busy and stuff, guys. Like, hella busy.) Anyway, long story short, I'm gonna go back to basics, as in the freestyle Friday5 of yore, and hope it's something I can really get into again. Because while the Friday5 has never generated much discussion here on the site, I know you guys read it. I mean, you're reading this right now, aren't you? ;)

So, here we go! The freestyle Friday5, which definitely won't be weekly, but hopefully will be more frequent than it has been, and may contain anything from personal thoughts, to pop culture news, to memes, to book trailers, to funny videos, and of course, because it HAS been a longstanding staple of the Friday5--noteworthy new YA :)

1. How's the WIP coming along?

First off, thank you for asking. It's going well, but not as well as I'd hoped. And I don't mean that from a "this plot isn't working" standpoint, I mean it from an "I really hoped to be finished the first draft by now" standpoint. But I've recently launched a full-scale freelance editing business over at (check us out for all your editing and copywriting needs!) and that's taken time away from writing--paid time, I should add. You can't argue with that. 

But back to the WIP. I'm at the climax of the story. It's exciting and passionate and it features a major conflict that even has me wondering how my characters will overcome it. But I'm not wondering much because I already know how they will. I have it all mapped out in my outline. But it still breaks my heart to see them fighting. They're good people, my protagonists. They've been lovers for a short time, but friends for much longer. I think you'd like them. I'm going to help them sort out their differences, and then I hope you get to read their story one day ;)

2. Speaking of the WIP...

Having only written YA before now, diving into an adult contemporary romance has been quite the adventure, and sometimes challenge. But thankfully, my years spent working on the other side of the desk as an editor of romance fiction, have left me intimately familiar with the genre. At first, I was a bit intimidated to write the kind of romance I love to read--sweet, emotional, complex, and definitely sexy--far sexier than the comparably tame, mostly off-the-page (though, not always fully off-the-page...) sex scenes I've written in my YAs. But it's actually been a blast. Romance is fun. Hooking people up is fun, and while I don't want to share anything too explicit here on the blog, here's a little taste of Home for a Rest, in what I'm going to dub #foreplayfriday (Is that a thing? Cause it should be...):

3. Presented without comment

Okay, a little comment...BUFFY!!!! If you follow me on Facebook, you know I've been all about EW's Buffy reunion this week (limited edition covers, you guys!). But this. THIS. Making all my dreams come true. Only complaint? Needs more Giles and Faith. But I'll still take it.

THe SCOOBY GANG'S ALL HERE...for the most part

THe SCOOBY GANG'S ALL HERE...for the most part

4. Have you been listening to S-Town?

S-Town, the new podcast from the people who brought us the highly addictive Serial is definitely worth a listen. It's not true crime like Serial, but it is a fascinating story, well told by Brian Reed, and it might just break your heart. It definitely broke mine. And even if you aren't affected by the story's events the way I was, it's still a compelling look at how bizarre life can be, even when you live in a crappy, little town (and maybe even especially because of that). I think most of us can relate to that in one way or another. 

5. Noteworthy New YA: HEARTS & OTHER BODY PARTS by Ira Bloom

Sisters Esme, Katy, and Ronnie are smart, talented, and gorgeous, and better yet . . . all three are witches. They have high school wired until the arrival of two new students. The first is Norman, who is almost eight feet tall and appears to be constructed of bolts and mismatched body parts. Despite his intimidating looks, Esme finds herself strangely -- almost romantically -- drawn to both his oversized brain and oversized heart. 
The second new arrival is Zack, an impossibly handsome late transfer from the UK who has the girls at school instantly mesmerized. Soon even sensible Esme has forgotten Norman, and all three sisters are in a flat-out hex war to win Zack. But while the magic is flying, only Norman seems to notice that students who wander off alone with Zack end up with crushed bones and memory loss. Or worse, missing entirely. 

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for July 15, 2016


It's been a busy couple weeks, and I've been working hard amidst a new routine, shuffling the kids around more than ever, now that Little E's daily routine doesn't involve a bus. It's nice in some ways, getting to spend more time in the car with her, just talking, sometimes singing, or playing car games. Baby H gets in on the fun too--or tries to, but most of the time he doesn't know what we're doing. He's turning 2 next week, which seems crazy to me. Wasn't he just a tiny little baby in my arms? How has it been two whole years already? 

As I noted above, I've been working hard, both editing and writing. There's been a lot of writing, actually, which is good, because I'd been struggling to fit it in and honestly, I think the overall discouragement I've been feeling was creating mental blocks I had to overcome. I also came to really recognize over the past few weeks how much what point I'm at in a book can affect my mood. Part of that can be attributed to the type of music I listen to while I'm writing certain scenes--fun, flirty, sexy, or heartbreaking. I went through a real high when my main characters were falling in love, but the drama has hit the fan, kids. In a big way, and it's had me feeling in a funk the past two days. I think I'll have to put together a playlist for the book because it really has a solid soundtrack. Here's a hint about where I was today--My Invitation by Sarah Slean

She has such an awful lot of soldiers
Quite a lovely army all her own
Night and day they stand before the fortress
Very safe but very all alone


There are a lot of lists of Summer Beach Reads circulating at this time of year--and why not? We're all looking for something to help us escape reality as we bask in the sun while it's still here. Basically, you can take your pick when it comes to these lists, but if you're into YA like I am, might I suggest this list put out by The New York Public Library? Basically, all you need to know about it is that E. Lockhart's We Were Liars is on it, and you need to read that book like yesterday.


I feel like I can't even try to talk about anything else here this week--Pokemon Go and HarmonQuest. Two very different things. Both not available in Canada yet. Come on, seriously? WAIT! Harmon Quest episode one appears to be on YouTube! Rejoice!!

4. JUST PRESS PLAY: Samuel L. Jackson Recaps Game of Thrones and it's the best



Seventeen-year-old Nina Barrows knows all about the Thief. She’s intimately familiar with his hunting methods: how he stalks and kills at random, how he disposes of his victims’ bodies in an abandoned mine in the deepest, most desolate part of a desert.

Now, for the first time, Nina has the chance to do something about the serial killer that no one else knows exists. With the help of her former best friend, Warren, she tracks the Thief two thousand miles, to his home turf—the deserts of New Mexico.

But the man she meets there seems nothing like the brutal sociopath with whom she’s had a disturbing connection her whole life. To anyone else, Dylan Shadwell is exactly what he appears to be: a young veteran committed to his girlfriend and her young daughter. As Nina spends more time with him, she begins to doubt the truth she once held as certain: Dylan Shadwell is the Thief. She even starts to wonder . . . what if there is no Thief?

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for July 1, 2016



Another busy couple of weeks. My little girl is officially finished her first year of school--and her first round of swimming lessons to boot. I can't believe how quickly that went. It makes me kind of terrified for how quickly the next several years will go. Having kids has definitely taught me a lot, but one thing that stands out more now than ever, is how fast time flies, and how important it is that we pursue the things we love, and enjoy them for as long as we possibly can. 

In other news, Happy Canada Day! 

I'm so proud to be Canadian, always, but especially today as I see the world around us struggling. Of course, we're not perfect either, but things here in Canada are vastly improved these days with our kind and compassionate new PM. His love for this country and its people is palpable, and I truly believe it's spreading, bringing this country back to life after many years in the dark. 


Have you been sorted into your Ilverymorny house over on Pottermore yet? I have, and apparently I can add Thunderbird to my house resume (along with my Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff--I'm sure at one point I'll share the story of how I discovered I'm a puff, hated it, then came to absolutely love it). Pottermore also features a really cool intro video for those who want to learn a bit more about the NA school of wizardry. I've seen some interesting theories as to how the new houses might relate back to the ones at Hogwarts too, though JKR herself denies there's any connection. Really, Jo? Really? If you've been sorted, I'd love to hear what you are--and what you think of these new houses to obsess over!


Ready for more Gilmore Girls? Not yet? Blasphemy! But okay, I feel you. Netflix has released a cute little video starting chief Gilmore Girl, Lorelei (Emily would have you believe it's her, but it's not; it's totally Lor), explaining that GG is now global for all your binging needs. I don't think I'll have time to rewatch the entire series again before the movies hit Netflix in the fall, but that's okay. I've probably already watched it six or seven times already and I know I'll get around to another rewatch before long :)

4. JUST PRESS PLAY: 5 Things That Are Harder Than Registering To Vote, Featuring President Obama (warning: Game of Thrones spoilers)


Maire is a baker with an extraordinary gift: she can infuse her treats with emotions and abilities, which are then passed on to those who eat them. She doesn t know why she can do this and remembers nothing of who she is or where she came from.

When marauders raid her town, Maire is captured and sold to the eccentric Allemas, who enslaves her and demands that she produce sinister confections, including a witch's gingerbread cottage, a living cookie boy, and size-altering cakes.

During her captivity, Maire is visited by Fyel, a ghostly being who is reluctant to reveal his connection to her. The more often they meet, the more her memories return, and she begins to piece together who and what she really is as well as past mistakes that yield cosmic consequences.

From the author of The Paper Magician series comes a haunting and otherworldly tale of folly and consequence, forgiveness and redemption.

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for June 17, 2016


Well, the summer is filling up quickly, and I can already say, the Friday5 is not going to be able to be a weekly feature over the next few months. There's just too much going on! But it's all good. And we all need a little vacation sometimes. I wish I could say the reason there hasn't been a June Friday5 yet is because I've been relaxing, but it's actually quite the opposite. I've been working like a mad woman on everything from freelance edits, to back cover copy, to my own writing, to attending end of the school year events with Little E, to building a vegetable garden in the backyard, to, well, the list goes on. But I think you get the idea. It's been a busy few weeks, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Everyday life stuff aside, I've also been finding myself feeling a bit overwhelmed by life stuff lately as well. A lot of heavy stuff in the news, pushing down, settling deep. If you happen to be reading this at a time other than the week of June 17, 2016, maybe google what was going on and you'll see what I mean. I don't really want to get into it here because I know I can't do it justice, so I'll just say this: the world is full of love and goodness, but it's not enough. We need more of it. We're at like, 80% love, and we need closer to 95%, maybe even 100%. Okay, I can already feel myself wanting to launch into a long rant, so I'll leave it at that. Love. LOVE <3

I also want to add a quick note about the ups and downs of being on submission, because I'm in a bit of a down trend right now, feeling the hopelessness (which is probably only compounded by badness in the world right now). I've posted in the past about rejection, and how it's all part of the journey, and how you can't take it personally, and need a thick skin, and can usually learn so much from the experience, and YES, all of that is so, so true. But even when you know that logically, you can still find yourself in a funk sometimes. It's rough ride. And if I somehow knew it would work out in the end, I wouldn't mind the bumps so much, but not knowing makes it hard sometimes. Of course, that doesn't stop me from writing, and it doesn't stop me from trying. Even when I'm feeling really down about the whole thing, the seeds of hope are still there, asking me to water them, because they want to grow big again. They don't want me to give up, and thank goodness, that's usually enough--enough to keep going. Keep working hard and keep hoping. Maybe you can relate, in some way or another, with regards something that you want, but can only do so much to achieve. If you don't want to give up, you have to learn to live with hoping, but not knowing. You just have to. Because when you want something, there's no other option than to keep going.

But enough about that. Let's get to some news, shall we?


Photo credit: @HPPlayLDN via Twitter

Photo credit: @HPPlayLDN via Twitter

I feel I must address the fact that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has now been seen. I won't post any spoilers here but I will note that I have read them, and everything I've heard has me hoping more than ever that a much wider audience will get to see the play, as opposed to just reading it when it hits the shelves on July 31st. Screen it in theatres, show it on TV, I don't care, but let us see it. Because it sounds like something that needs to be seen. And while I'm certain I'll still buy the play when it comes out, I can't help but feel I'll be missing something vital if I don't get to see it with my own two eyes. 


Photo credit: EW

Photo credit: EW

Are you excited for Bryan Fuller's adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods? You really should be. The cast is shaping up to be fantastic (Gillian Anderson!), and you can't go wrong with the source material. EW has just released a few teaser images to whet our appetites too. Will you be watching when American Gods debuts?


Note: This section of the Friday5 was formerly called, "Trailer Worth Watching"--I've decided to rename it to open it up to other share-worthy videos, though this week, it is a trailer for what looks like Disney's next hit:



They are four best friends who've shared joy and secrets, love and memories, and since the beginning, Lorna was the one who held them all together. Then, the unthinkable happens. During a storm, Lorna is swept out to sea, leaving the three survivors with nothing to cling to except grief and questions. How did this happen? Why was Lorna in such danger, and was she alone? When her body is never found, the mystery deepens. Did Lorna really die? Or has she made a crazy bid for freedom? Inevitably, the dynamic of the four friends' everyday life is changed forever. But the pain and confusion go deepest for Jackie, who must face her feelings of unrequited love for Lorna's boyfriend as well as try to put to rest her own questions about Lorna's presumed death. Does one of the boys in their inner circle know more than he's letting on? Will Lorna's fate ever be discovered? And how will Jackie become her own person in the wake of a wound that may never close? In this beautifully written, intense novel, one girl has to travel through loss and disillusionment to make sense of her own future.

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for May 6, 2016


I don't know what it is about this spring (wait, yes I do; fluctuating temperatures!), but we are on a cycle of nonstop illnesses. First it's heads colds, then stomach bugs, then terrible, no good, very bad coughs with fever and runny noses and ugh. It's too much. And it's been getting in the way of my writing time. If I'm not sick, one of the kids is. But this week ended up being not nearly as bad as it could've been, because only one child was sick, and it didn't seem to last. So while I did lose a whole day of writing during my first week in a while that I didn't also have freelance work, I also had some very productive days too. I'm at that point in my WIP where I'm really hitting my stride. The characters are coming to life, the plot is basically writing itself, and I managed to get 5k words on the page today without batting an eye. I love days like this. I wish I had more days like this, but ideally without the guilt that I assume all mothers experience when they have a good, productive day that has nothing to do with their children. Though, that's not really true either. 95% of the reason I write is because I love it. Because I couldn't not write. Because it's in my bones, and the story ideas keep coming. But the other 5% is because I want the arguably flexible career of a writer, so I can be available to my kids as they grow up. Okay, that summary of my week sort of went off the rails a bit at the end there, but it's all still worth noting. 

I suppose I should add here that there won't be a Friday5 next week because we're taking a little family vacation to the east coast. That's the other thing that's been consuming my time this week. Packing for three, and doing everything I can to make sure our first flight with the kids goes as smoothly as possible. Please pray for my sanity. 

CC0 Public Domain

CC0 Public Domain


You may have already seen this, but the cover is so fab it's worth repeating. Veronica Roth's next book, Carve the Mark,  her follow-up to the Divergent series, has been announced, and while the plot summary is a little "been there, done that" for my taste, the cover is, as I said, quite lovely. Sure, the Divergent film franchise has failed to deliver in a lot of ways, but I can't pretend I didn't enjoy Divergent when I read it the first time around. Roth may not be the most experienced writer, but she has a wonderful imagination, and her characterization is strong. I don't doubt I'll be picking this one up when it comes out next year. 


My week in pop culture has primarily been dominated by good TV (okay, most weeks are...) and the fact that I finally got around to watching The Force Awakens, just in time for May the 4th. Yes, I know. I know. And no, I didn't manage to remain unspoiled. That was a losing battle right from the start. But anyway, back to delicious, delightful finale season (plus, the return of spring/summer favs)--is anybody else totally digging the final season arc on Agents of Shield? (Is anyone else watching Agents of Shield?) Right now it's neck and neck with the brilliant final episodes of iZombie for my fav 2016 season ender (PLL aside, cause, come on!). Of course, the finale is yet to air, and depending on what happens, it may or may not end up anywhere near the top spot, but right now, I'm digging it. I really do love Brett Dalton, and not just cause he's super hot. He's been fantastic as Hive, and seeing him with Daisy/Skye again is just fantastic. Regardless of your thoughts on the pairing, they have a boatload of chemistry. Any other shows out there ending on a particularly strong note worth noting? Share 'em in the comments!

Photo Credit: ABC

Photo Credit: ABC


There's a part of me that wants to hate this because the movie's title makes me CRINGE. Actually, the whole concept makes me cringe. But there's a lot of good going on here (KRISTEN BELL, obviously, and poking holes in oversensitive parenting methods) and Mila Kunis is always enjoyable too.  


"I believe in possibility. Of magic, of omens, of compasses, of love. Some of it's a little bit true."
Sixteen-year-old Tal is a Wanderer, a grifter whose life is built around the sound of wheels on the road, the customs of her camp, and the artful scams that keep her fed. With her brother, Wen, by her side, it's the only life she's ever known. It's the only one she's ever needed. 
Then in a sleepy Southern town, the queen of cons picks the wrong mark when she meets Spencer Swaythe clean-cut Socially Secured boy who ends up hustling her instead of the other way around. For the first time, she sees a reason to stay. As her obligations to the camp begin to feel like a prison sentence, the pull to leave tradition behind has never been so strong. 
But the Wanderers live by signs, and all the signs all say that Tal and Spencer will end only in heartache and disaster. Is a chance at freedom worth almost certain destruction?

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for April 1, 2016

Happy April Fool's Day! I promise I won't attempt to pull any fast ones on you today, dear blog readers. The truth is, I'm just not that good at pranks. Maybe one day, but for now, it's enough for me to use today's Friday5 to share a selection of the internet's best gags with you, in case you don't have time to go looking yourself (feel free to share some of your favs in the comments)--and of course, we're also long overdue for a Noteworthy New YA recommendation, so let's get to it!

1. Google has a history of being all over April Fool's Day, and today was no exception. Here's just one of their awesome offerings:

2. WestJet's new inflight helper takes on a lightly HAL-esque personality in this gag ad:

3. Too busy gaming to eat? Razer has you covered:

4. Okay this is actually from yesterday, so not technically an April Fool's thing, but I didn't see it until this morning, and I can't not share:

5. Noteworthy New YA: WALK THE EDGE by Katie McGarry (Thunder Road #2)

One moment of recklessness will change their worlds.

Smart. Responsible. That's seventeen-year-old Breanna's role in her large family, and heaven forbid she put a toe out of line. Until one night of shockingly un-Breanna-like behavior puts her into a vicious cyber-bully's line of fire—and brings fellow senior Thomas "Razor" Turner into her life. 

Razor lives for the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, and good girls like Breanna just don't belong. But when he learns she's being blackmailed over a compromising picture of the two of them—a picture that turns one unexpected and beautiful moment into ugliness—he knows it's time to step outside the rules. 

And so they make a pact: he'll help her track down her blackmailer, and in return she'll help him seek answers to the mystery that's haunted him—one that not even his club brothers have been willing to discuss. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. And suddenly they're both walking the edge of discovering who they really are, what they want, and where they're going from here.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy Weekend!

friday5 for March 11, 2016

I don't know about you, but I'm bracing myself for March Break next week. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm looking forward to a few days where it'll be just me and my girl E (with Baby H in daycare), but I know E is going to miss the routine of school, and will probably get quite squirrely by the end of the week. That I'm not looking forward to... Needless to say, there won't be a Friday5 next week, but with the PLL finale airing, there will be at least something of a Pretty Little Reaction post. Housekeeping note over. Let's get to the Friday5!

1. Have you seen the official promo for the new season of Game of Thrones? No? Then you need to. Yes? Then you need to watch it again. There are a lot of goodies in here to discuss. Where to start? Oh, I dunno, how about BRAN AND THE FREAKIN' NIGHT'S KING? Okay, clearly this isn't really happening cause Bran is standing tall, but what's that all about? Is it possible Bran's story won't bore me as much as it has up to this point? We will soon find out!

2. Speaking of GoT, does anybody believe Kit Harrington's claims? Anybody? I'm seriously asking. I go back and forth about this several times a week. It's not like the guy has to worry about credibility. Not really. 

Photo credit: HBO

Photo credit: HBO

3. Queen Rowling herself is releasing a whole lot of new information about the North American Wizarding World, to mixed reviews (but let's not get into that here). Feelings about the specifics aside, does anybody else find this feels kind of surreal? Harry Potter fans have been immersed in the UK Wizarding world for so long that it feels really, really strange to now hear these kinds of details about magic's existence outside that. Don't get me wrong, I love the expansion of the wizarding world. I want it to live and grow forever, but it all feels so...disconnected for me right now. Like, everything in HP 1-7 is real, and this somehow isn't. Maybe Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will change that. I hope so.  

4. Get ready for more Kimmel. ABC has announced that Jimmy Kimmel has been tapped to host the 168th Primetime Emmy awards. I think this is a good choice. He did a plenty good job the last time he hosted, and when it comes to these awards shows, I always find the best hosts are the people who are used to hosting as a regular gig. Should be good. Let's just hope the nominations reflect the actual best talent out there, and not just the same old tired choices year over year. 

Photo credit: ABC

Photo credit: ABC

5. Noteworthy New YA: BURN BABY BURN by Meg Medina

While violence runs rampant throughout New York, a teenage girl faces danger within her own home in Meg Medina's riveting coming-of-age novel. 
Nora Lopez is seventeen during the infamous New York summer of 1977, when the city is besieged by arson, a massive blackout, and a serial killer named Son of Sam who shoots young women on the streets. Nora's family life isn t going so well either: her bullying brother, Hector, is growing more threatening by the day, her mother is helpless and falling behind on the rent, and her father calls only on holidays. All Nora wants is to turn eighteen and be on her own. And while there "is "a cute new guy who started working with her at the deli, is dating even worth the risk when the killer likes picking off couples who stay out too late? Award-winning author Meg Medina transports us to a time when New York seemed balanced on a knife-edge, with tempers and temperatures running high, to share the story of a young woman who discovers that the greatest dangers are often closer than we like to admit and the hardest to accept.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

friday5 for February 26, 2016

It's almost the end of February, you guys. What is UP with that? I for one am more than ready to put winter behind me, and look forward to spring. Seriously, let's get this sunshine show on the road. Are you ready for the last February weekend before we dive into lousy Smarch weather? Maybe this week's Friday5 can help...

1. The X-Files's far too short "event series" ended this past week with a major cliffhanger, leaving everyone wondering two things: 1. How is it possible we barely got any Mulder/Scully interaction in this episode? And 2. When is this show coming back for a slightly longer, better fleshed-out eleventh season? Okay, there were also some people wondering why the brains behind the show seemingly wasted some of the few episodes they had, but that's all very debatable. I thought it was great, and I'm not the only one. Besides, I don't think anybody was expecting a perfect run. That wouldn't be in X-Files tradition. (Remember the episode with the killer cats? Cause yeah, that happened.) Regardless of a few shaky missteps, you can officially consider me on #teamseason11pleaseandthankyou

Photo credit: FOX

Photo credit: FOX

2. Ready for the Oscars this weekend? Yeah, me neither. Not having cable certainly doesn't help. But not seeing any of the movies isn't so great either. But dammit if I don't get swept away by the hype anyway! If you're as unprepared as I am, let Honest Trailers do what they do best--tell you what you need to know, no filter required.

3. Hold up, Cruel Intentions TV series, things just got interesting. Sarah Michelle Gellar, the original scheming Kathryn Merteuil herself, is joining the cast. As a fan of the original CI film back in the 90s, this series had been on my radar, but not like it is now. Time will tell if this ends up being a worthy successor, but I'm definitely intrigued...and digging out my old Placebo CD :)

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures, Inc.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures, Inc.

4. Did you know Disney is doing a new adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time? Because I don't think I did, and now that I know, I'm super excited. The project has signed on a director in Selma's Ava Duvernay, which I'm hoping is a sign they're moving forward and we can start dream casting...Kiernan Shipka as Meg, right? Are we all on the same page? Cause, yeah, that would be awesome. 

5. Noteworthy New YA: FIRSTLIFE by Gena Showalter (Everlife #1)

From the author of the "New York Times" bestselling White Rabbit Chronicles series comes book 1 of a brand new series in which life as we know it is merely a dress rehearsal, and real life begins after death.
Tenley "Ten" Lockwood is an average seventeen-year-old girlwho has spent the past thirteen months locked inside the Prynne Asylum. The reason? Not her obsession with numbers, but her refusal to let her parents choose where she'll liveafter she dies. 
There is an eternal truth most of the world has come to accept: Firstlife is merely a dress rehearsal, and real life begins after death. 
In the Everlife, two realms are in power: Troika and Myriad, longtime enemies and deadly rivals. Both will do anything to recruit Ten, including sending their top Laborers to lure her to their side. Soon, Ten finds herself on the run, caught in a wild tug-of-war between the two realms who will do anything to win the right to her soul. Who can she trust? And what if the realm she's drawn to isn't where the boy she's falling for lives? She just has to stay alive long enough to make a decision.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy Weekend! 

friday5 for February 5, 2016

As I mentioned in a post on my Facebook author page yesterday, it's been a busy week. More than busy. Plus, I'm recovering from this cold that doesn't seem to want to go away. I guess recovering isn't actually the right word then. Enduring? Kinda. Anyway, I had to do a bit of condensing with regards to bloggie things this week. Sorry about that. Hopefully, we'll be back to normal as of Monday, but for now, here's the Friday5, including a mini version of this week's Pretty Little Reaction!

1. Let's talk Gilmore Girls revival, because I don't think we've touched on that yet and the four episode (more like four movies given their length) series began filming this week. There's a lot of information swirling out there right now (like this great rundown). For once, I'm actually somewhat trying to limit my exposure to too many details, because I want to be surprised. But oh man, this interview with Lauren Graham has got me so excited: 

Photo credit: NBC

Photo credit: NBC

2. Another favourite comic book universe is coming to prime time--X-Men, and FX, the network behind the adaptation, subtitled Legion, has announced that Aubrey Plaza, Dan Stevens, and Jean Smart will be joining the cast. Any thoughts on these choices? Personally, I see a lot of potential, but the scripts will have to be just right. Will you watch when Legion premieres? Or are you getting prime time comic book adaptation fatigue?

Photo credit: FX via THR

Photo credit: FX via THR

3. So, Rupert Grint upset many a Harry Potter fan this week when he predicted that Ron and Hermione probably eventually got divorced. I mean, he had to have been kidding, right? Joking around in a self-deprecating, of-course-Ron-would-fail-at-marriage kind of way? Yeah, that must be it. Cause in reality, I don't see Ron and Hermione, my favs over even HP himself, ever letting go of each other... 

Photo credit: Warner BRos.

Photo credit: Warner BRos.

Look, I know Ron and Hermione had their ups and downs--they were still children when they first fell in love! They had a lot of growing up to do!--but they'd both come a long way by the end of Deathly Hallows. Did they probably argue a lot? Of course. That's part of their spark! But you can't convince me these two wouldn't continue to love each other enough to work through any problems they might have as a married couple.  

4. As promised, here are my top impressions from this week's episode of Pretty Little Liars--again, sorry about the abbreviated edition! If you want to avoid spoilers, please go right ahead and skip to the Noteworthy New YA.

  1. As I feared/suspected, Spencer and Hot Caleb didn't just kiss. They went for it. Like, went for it. Under the category of small mercies, I'm glad Hot Caleb was asleep during that morning after scene. I really didn't want to see AM canoodles between these two.
  2. In other news, PLL has finally found a way to make me feel for Toby. I might even be starting to like the guy. Or maybe I just want him to dump the new chick, and conveniently step in to soften Spencer's fall when Hot Caleb inevitably gets back with Hanna. Either way, he's miles from where he used to be back in the Creeper Toby days. And yet, I miss him being creepy too... this is clearly my head-cold speaking now. I'll leave it at that. 
  3. What is wrong with me that I actually like Aria's yellow zebra sweater? Is she... growing on me? First Toby and now Aria's wardrobe? Hmmm. I don't feel like I have a fever, but maybe I do!
  4. Hanna's fiance is definitely likable. That doesn't mean I want her to be with him, but calling a lawyer when your girl confesses to evidence tampering? He's clearly the smartest person in the liars' lives right now. If--scratch that--when Hanna gets back with Hot Caleb, I hope they keep Jordan around just for his logical coping methods. 
  5. Is Aria's dad the killer? I don't think so. But of the suspects they've hinted at so far, I think he's the one I'd most like to see actually responsible. He's definitely not the creeper in the old man mask though... was that supposed to look real? Cause it definitely looked like a mask. New A doesn't appear to have the big budget that old A did. 
6.14 New Guys, New Lies | Photo credit: Freeform

6.14 New Guys, New Lies | Photo credit: Freeform

5. Noteworthy New YA: ASSASSIN'S HEART by Sarah Ahiers

With shades of Game of Thrones and Romeo and Juliet, this richly imagined fantasy from debut author Sarah Ahiers is a tale of love, lies, and vengeance. Fans of Kristin Cashore and Rae Carson will devour the flawlessly crafted action and inventive world building.
Seventeen-year-old Lea Saldana is a trained assassin. She was born into one of the nine clipper Families in the kingdom of Lovero who lawfully take lives for a price. As a member of the highest-ranking clan, loyalty to Family is valued above all, but that doesn't stop Lea from getting into a secret relationship with Val Da Via, a boy from a rival clan. Despite her better judgment, Lea has fallen in love with him; but she's confident she can anticipate any threat a mile away.
Then she awakens one night to a house full of smoke. Although she narrowly escapes, she isn't able to save her Family as their home is consumed by flames. With horror, she realizes that Val and his Family are the only ones who could be responsible. Devastated over his betrayal and the loss of her clan, there's just one thing on her mind: making the Da Vias pay. The heart of this assassin craves revenge.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy weekend!

friday5 for January 29, 2016

Well, I'm not exactly sure how we've reached the end of January already, but here we are. Time flying so quickly is always a bit concerning, but it's winter, and we're steadily moving toward warmer, sunnier days. I see no bad there. But if that shiny glimmer of hope isn't enough to get you through to the weekend, here are a few items that just might! 

1. What is happening here? This is absolutely delightful, and yet another reason Kristen Bell is my spirit animal. You don't need to know anything going into this beyond the fact that KB and her hubs, Dax Shepard, filmed this before the birth of their kids, while they were on safari in Africa. If these two ever break up, I'm going to need therapy. Enjoy!

2. Did you miss Mockingjay Pt. 2 in theatres like I did? No? You saw it because you didn't have trouble working out a babysitting scenario that would work for your still nursing baby? Well, I wasn't so lucky. After seeing the previous three films (the first and third with newborn babies in tow) shortly after their initial release, I just didn't make it out to see MJ Pt. 2. Not a great situation for a big HG fan to be in. But alas, that's life, and now the film is almost out on DVD/Blu-ray and I'll get to finally see it! I might even have to pre-order the 4-film collection, details for which have just been released. Will you be marathoning all four films when Mockingjay Pt.2 becomes available?

3. Were you angry when Pottermore decided to do away with sorting and all the interactive stuff that was actually worth your time? Well, some of those features are back, and whether you liked the house you were originally sorted into or not, now's a great time to find out where you might fit in at Hogwarts, according to the master of sorting, J.K. Rowling herself! 

4. Would you like a splash of Saturday morning nostalgia with your comic books? Cause DC is rolling out some new versions of old Hanna-Barbera favourites. The art is definitely intriguing, but I'm not sure I'll be checking out any of these books beyond a passing glimpse. There's something about Scooby with a cyborg eye that just seems irresponsible ;) Anybody on board with this reimagining?

Photo Credit: DC Comics, courtesy of Entertainment weekly

Photo Credit: DC Comics, courtesy of Entertainment weekly

5. Noteworthy YA of the week: SHALLOW GRAVES by Kali Wallace

For fans of Holly Black and Nova Ren Suma, a gripping, hauntingly atmospheric novel about murder, revenge, and a world where monsters human and otherwise lurk at the fringes.

When seventeen-year-old Breezy Lin wakes up in a shallow grave one year after her death, she doesn t remember who killed her or why. All she knows is that she's somehow conscious and not only that, she's able to sense who around her is hiding a murderous past. In life, Breezy was always drawn to the elegance of the universe and the mystery of the stars. Now she must set out to find answers and discover what is to become of her in the gritty, dangerous world to which she now belongs where killers hide in plain sight, and a sinister cult is hunting for strange creatures like her. What she finds is at once empowering, redemptive, and dangerous.

Tense, complex, and wholly engaging, Shallow Graves is a stunning first novel from Kali Wallace.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy weekend!

friday5 for October 4, 2013

1. Let's kick off this edition of the Friday5 with some match-made-in-heaven news--Nathan Fillion is going to guest star on Community! I can't think of any possible scenario in which that isn't going to be epic. Fandoms collide and my fangirl heart may not be able to take it. Dare we dream he become a recurring character (in my fantasy world where we get #sixseasonsandamovie)??

2. Last week, anticipation building up to the Breaking Bad finale was evident everywhere you looked. This week? It seems to be mostly sighs of content (and maybe some cheering). I watched the series in a very condensed amount of time so I'm not sure that I can fully grasp the gravity of the journey longtime fans have been on, but I greatly appreciated what a satisfying conclusion the series was given and I have nothing but praise for Vince Gilligan and his team for treating us to such a masterfully crafted series. (Oh, and for all the work he did on The X-Files too! Man, what a career!)

3. I recently started listening to a few of Kevin Smith's podcasts. Not sure what took me so long since I've always admired Kevin for his storytelling ability. Regardless of how you feel about his vulgarity, he's a smart guy with a lot of heart and man, does he ever spin a good tale! Anyway, this week I found myself absolutely immersed listening to him interview a young filmmaker (and fellow Canadian), Matt Johnson about his film, The Dirties, which tackles the issue of bullying in a realistic and effective light. I officially need to see this film. It sounds fantastic by any measure, but hearing Kevin and Matt talk about it, I couldn't imagine anyone not wanting to check it out. If you don't have time to listen to the interview, at least check out the trailer. This is one you probably shouldn't miss (despite the screenshot, this is not a "sexy" film--I think that was chosen solely for YouTube hits...):

4. And while we're viewing things, let's talk about the trailer for Ravenswood, which didn't come out this week, but I haven't mentioned it since it came out and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it, so here we go.

Sigh... I know. Hot Caleb, right? How can I say no to Hot Caleb? And yet, I feel like this is Angel all over again. Yes, I grew to love Angel, but I was not cool with one of my fav TV couples being split up for the sake of a spinoff! I've voiced my Haleb worries on here before in the Pretty Little Recap and I have to say, the pretty new girls in this trailer have me more worried than ever. How can Haleb survive this? They won't. Maybe I just need to accept that. And maybe I just need to accept that being on Team Hot Caleb isn't as good as Team Haleb, but it's better than nothing. Am I the only one with concerns? (...and yet am still totally planning on watching Ravenswood?)

5. Slight change to this section of the Friday5--The YA book rec of the week will henceforth be known as....Noteworthy YA (because rec implies I've already read all of these books but most of them are still on my to-read list and accuracy is important!). This week, I'm taking a look at Unbreakable by Kami Garcia, the first in her new series, The Legion.

Supernatural meets The Da Vinci Code in this action-packed paranormal thriller, the first book in a new series from New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia.

I never believed in ghosts. Until one tried to kill me.

When Kennedy Waters finds her mother dead, her world begins to unravel. She doesn’t know that paranormal forces in a much darker world are the ones pulling the strings. Not until identical twins Jared and Lukas Lockhart break into Kennedy’s room and destroy a dangerous spirit sent to kill her. The brothers reveal that her mother was part of an ancient secret society responsible for protecting the world from a vengeful demon — a society whose five members were all murdered on the same night.

Now Kennedy has to take her mother’s place in the Legion if she wants to uncover the truth and stay alive. Along with new Legion members Priest and Alara, the teens race to find the only weapon that might be able to destroy the demon — battling the deadly spirits he controls every step of the way.

Suspense, romance, and the paranormal meet in this chilling urban fantasy, the first book in a new series from Kami Garcia, bestselling coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures novels.
(Summary from
 I'm actually kind of on the fence with this cover. It's creepy for sure, but it almost seems more horror-ish than paranormal/fantasy. That said, the plot sounds twisty and chilling and I'm intrigued to see how Garcia reads as a solo author.

Happy weekend!