happy 1st birthday to IT FALLS APART

Believe it or not, it’s been ONE YEAR since IT FALLS APART first made its debut. And what a year it’s been! All the thanks in the world to my lovely readers for taking the time to read, review, and recommend the story to fellow fiction-lovers. To celebrate, the e-book is currently 25% off over at Smashwords using the promo code RR77G at checkout. Please share the love by sharing this code with anyone you think might enjoy the read. And as always, you can order a paperback copy via Amazon. They make great gifts!

Thank you again, friends! I truly could not have made it here without you 💗


Hello friends! It’s been a while, I know. The Canadian in me apologizes. It’s been a very busy winter as I’ve been working away at building my freelance editing business, but I promise I do have exciting things on the horizon that I can’t wait to share with you all here on the blog! As for today, I just popped on to let you guys know that if you haven't had a chance to read IT FALLS APART yet, now is the time! The ebook is currently 50% off over at Smashwords’ Read an Ebook Week 2019. Please check it out here. And if you’d like to see some of the other awesome titles they have on sale this week, you can find them at the main sale homepage here. It’s a great time to fill your ereader with fantastic books!

Happy reading!

covermaker, covermaker, make me a cover

It's hard to believe it's been nearly three weeks since IT FALLS APART made its debut in the e-book/paperback world. Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased, read, reviewed, recommended, or gifted my book. Your support means so much to me. 

Today, I have another fun little look at what went into publishing IT FALLS APART, specifically with regards to the cover art. I don't know about you, but I love a good book cover, and I'm also a big fan of deleted scenes, alternate endings, and seeing things that almost were. Some people will tell you that once you land on a cover image, you shouldn't bother sharing what might have been for fear that people might like that version better, but I think people are going to have different tastes no matter what you do, so you might as well have some fun along the way, and I found the process of designing cover options for the novel to be a lot of fun. 

When I set out to find a cover image for the Radish pre-release, I wanted something that would stand out without text (Radish doesn't allow covers with text), so I went with the heavily iconic image of two hands barely hanging on because to me, that was really representative of not only Harper and Luke's story (wanting to be together despite the forces keeping them apart) as well as Harper and Chloe's story (two best friends trying to hang on to their friendship despite some major obstacles). It was fitting, and I still like the drama of that image, but when it came time to create the cover for the e-book, I knew I wanted something new, something fresh, and something that very clearly said, "THIS IS A FUN, SEXY, FLIRTY YA ROMANCE". I think I accomplished that with the final cover (which you can see below), but as I said above, I did have some fun along the way; click through the below gallery to see some of the cover options I explored (some are watermarked as these are only mock-ups) on my journey to that final cover, including titled versions of both covers that made it to Radish:


When all was said and done, the photograph I chose to use was one by Thai photographer, Tirachard Kumtanom, whose work is fun, fresh, and just lovely. Here is the full image I used for the final cover of IT FALLS APART. I love the flirty, youthful vibe conveyed by the white bedsheets, sunlit background, and playful pose of the model. To me, it perfectly captures the way Luke makes Harper feel--carefree and in love despite the world falling apart around her. 


And here, of course, is the final cover:


IT FALLS APART release day is here!

IT FALLS APART if officially out in the world in e-book and print formats! Thank you so much to everyone who pre-ordered and who's taken the time to leave a review. I can't possibly tell you how much it means to have friends and family support me in making this lifelong dream a reality. 

If you haven't yet ordered your copy of IT FALLS APART, there's no time like the present! The e-book is available through all of the most common retailers, but please note the print edition is exclusively available through Amazon:

Barnes & Noble
Kobo US
Kobo CAN

If you've read the book already, please consider leaving a short review on Amazon or rate it on Goodreads. I would appreciate it SO MUCH <3

Happy reading!


IT FALLS APART book trailer

It’s the book trailer that has critics saying, “Might’ve been cute if a kid had made it” and “You can get a pretty decent USB mic on Amazon these days. Maybe do that next time.”

With all the production value of a high school English project, I present to you, the 100% homemade, zero budget book trailer for IT FALLS APART. Enjoy :) 

IT FALLS APART e-book cover reveal!


Are you ready for it?

I'm thrilled to share with you the shiny, new e-book cover for IT FALLS APART


I hope you love it as much as I do! We have just over a month to go before the e-book launch of IT FALLS APART and I can't wait for the entire novel to be bundled up in one fun, flirty, little package :) 

If you haven't already, please find me on social media (I'm now on Instagram @authorkatpaws), and/or sign up for email updates (in the sidebar -->) to keep up with the latest, and stay in the loop on when the e-book edition of IT FALLS APART hits Amazon for pre-order. I'm hoping anyone who's read the book already (or even just checked it out) will consider leaving a review at that time since, good or bad, reviews are worth their weight in gold to indie authors and it would mean SO MUCH to me.

That's all for today! I'll be posting more fun, e-book-related news in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, I'd love to hear what you think of that shiny, new cover! Come @ me with your reactions! 


By: Kate Pawson Studer
E-book release date: June 28, 2018
Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing

About the Book

There’s no one more tempting than the person you’re not supposed to touch…

When Harper Donnelly’s best friend, Chloe, moves out-of-state halfway through their senior year, she figures things can’t get much worse. But then Nan, her grandmother and sole guardian, falls ill, throwing Harper’s life into chaos. Hoping to lighten Nan’s burden, Harper dives headfirst into helping with the family business, shuttling tourists from the airport. The job itself is easy enough, except it brings her into regular contact with Chloe’s ex-boyfriend, Luke, who's been kinda broody since Chloe left—and kinda gorgeous since forever.

Harper has never been particularly fond of Luke, but with Chloe gone, she starts noticing a different side to him, one that makes her pulse race, and soon their stumbled-upon friendship evolves into something far more intense. Keeping their relationship a secret isn’t so hard—it’s even kind of exciting—until Chloe unexpectedly returns for the summer, leaving Harper torn between the guy she’s definitely falling for, and the best friend she swore she’d never betray.


exciting e-book news!

Pre-release promo cover for radish

Pre-release promo cover for radish


Hello blog followers and friends! I can’t believe IT FALLS APART has been out in the world (okay, not in its entirety YET) for over a month now. I can't believe it's been a #1 bestseller on the Radish YA/TEEN list for the past 15 days in a row! And I can’t believe we only have SIX more episodes to go! For those who’ve been reading, thank you so much for devoting a portion of your precious reading time to my words and for supporting me as an indie author. I appreciate it deeply and hope you’re enjoying the story so far! For those who haven’t had a chance to check it out, or are waiting for the e-book (or are reading it on Radish AND want to further support me by adding the ebook to their collection), I have some exciting news to share! 

The e-book of IT FALLS APART will officially be available for your reading and re-reading pleasure on Thursday, June 28, 2018. And in addition to capturing the entire novel in a single volume for the first time, the e-book will also feature an all-new cover (i.e. NOT the one pictured above) that I’m very excited to share with you SOON. In fact, the lovely new cover be making its debut here on the blog on Monday, May 21st. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE EXCITING NEWS! Newsletter subscribers are going to get to see it even sooner! That’s right, anyone who’s signed up for my (exciting updates only, I promise) newsletter will get a sneak peak of the e-book cover on Wednesday, May 16th, almost a full week ahead of everyone else! How cool and exclusive is that? The answer is very cool and very exclusive. Maybe even too exclusive, but hey, I like you guys, so it’s all good. And of course, in addition to getting early access to the cover, you’ll also never miss an update about what’s happening with future releases, including firsthand scoop on when the IT FALLS APART e-book becomes available for pre-order on Amazon—AND I may have a few other exclusive goodies up my sleeve as well...

So, if you’re so inclined, please take a moment to sign up right here on the site. On desktop, you can find the super-easy signup box right there on the righthand sidebar of this page. If you’re on mobile, you will probably have to scroll down a bit until you see it, but once you’re there, you’re just a few keystrokes away from never missing out. 

I’ll be back here on the blog tomorrow to share some of the images I used for inspiration while writing IT FALLS APART. Dream casting anyone? Come back tomorrow to see how Harper, Luke, Chloe, and Meera all appeared in my mind's eye as I brought them to life on the page. 

only just begun


Holy meatball sandwiches, you guys. The past (nearly) two weeks have been a nonstop whirlwind of excitement, ambition, surprise, and more gratitude than my heart can contain. I've said before that writing with the goal of being published (but not yet being published) can feel very isolating at times and it's so true. If you're lucky, you have a small, but dedicated group of loved ones and beta readers cheering you on, but at the end of the day, it's a lot of work with very limited feedback. You can feel like you're on the right track, but when you're faced with rejection after rejection, it starts to wear you down. You start to wonder if the track ever actually leads anywhere.

The decision to self-publish IT FALLS APART wasn't an easy one for me to make, and I still find myself wondering if I've taken a huge misstep, but I'm starting to worry less about that because apparently, people are reading it, and as far as I can tell, they're liking it. And with over 3.5k views and hundreds of subscribers (people who WANT to be notified when a new chapter comes out so they can keep reading), this is the first time since I signed with my extremely awesome agent years ago that I've felt like I've accomplished a little more of what I set out to do. Obviously, this isn't it as in goal accomplished. I still want an editor to fall in love with my writing, my books, to take a chance on me the way I've decided to take a chance on myself. But...people are reading one of my books. And based on the numbers, it's no longer just friends and family. It's strangers. It's people who aren't only reading because they know me. It's people who seem to be enjoying my characters, my voice, this story I hope both touches and entertains. It's an incredible thing. And it's far from over.

If you've been reading IT FALLS APART, even if you just checked it out and haven't continued, THANK YOU. From the very bottom of my heart. Your support means so much, I can't possibly express it. Working in publishing, I know writing novels is far from a get-rich-quick scheme. Most writers don't make enough to quit their day job. Many never will. That's not why they write. That's not why *I* write. I write because there are stories in my heart. It's full of characters, jokes, arguments, heartache, confusion, passion, and beauty. I write because I want to put that out in the world. I write because I want to share it with people who might read it and say, "Yes, this. I can relate to this." That's why reviews often mean more to authors than sales. Writers don't seek fame and fortune. They seek voices who've read us and feel compelled to say, "Yes. Yes to all of this." 

I'm hoping to have more concrete details to share with you all soon regarding the e-book release of IT FALLS APART. As we get closer to that date (it will be in late June), I can promise an exciting new cover reveal, more fun teasers and excerpts (for those who haven't had a chance to read on Radish--or just need a little reminder of why they probably want to own the e-book too), more behind-the-scenes tidbits about my process in writing the book (storyboards and inspiration), and maybe even a giveaway or two :) Self-publishing this book has been a very big deal for me, and I want to find ways to share that with you guys. 

For now, I'll leave you with a little tidbit about where the title, IT FALLS APART, comes from:

It's a phrase that felt right the first time it popped into my head, very early on in the writing process. Not "She Falls Apart" or "Falling Apart", but "It Falls Apart". It had to be "it" because it's more than just this girl navigating this messy, forbidden romance. It's Harper's entire young adult life. Her future plans, her home life with Nan, her understanding of the past, her friendship with Chloe. These are all things she's carefully crafted and cared for--until an unexpected and earthshattering attraction to a boy sweeps everything out from under her feet. But there's more to the phrase than that. There's a reason it popped into my head in the first place. There's a Canadian rock band called Odds who released a song back in 1993 called--you guessed it--IT FALLS APART. It's a catchy tune, a bit of an earworm, and it came out at a time when my own young adult heart was beating to a profoundly memorable soundtrack. Long story short, it's one of many songs that made an impression and the lyrics are kinda perfect, even if the video is so 1993 it hurts ;)